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Central Leeds – market update 2022

January 19, 2022 | Landlords   Property market  


Whats going on in Central Leeds?

we want to give you all our monthly update on the property market in Central Leeds so you can make an informed decision if you decide to invest. We might sometimes post a little later into the month due to the time it takes to collect and analyze data.


Central Leeds is a Stable Market

monthly pricing central leeds

Central Leeds has always been viewed as a great investment due to its reliable stability in terms of price growth. Why leave your money sitting in a bank inflating and becoming less valuable when you can stick it into a property where you know demand will always remain constant? As you’ll see later in the report the demographics of Central Leeds contribute greatly to its reliable pricing.


Central Leeds is experiencing high levels of growth

central leeds price growth

26% over 5 years is certainly something to behold. this quite significantly beats out various other forms of investment such as index funds and dashing money into a savings account. Why? because you cannot rent out for passive income/live inside an index fund or savings account. Purchasing property, especially in an area where you know there will be constant growth and investment, is one of the best financial choices you can make.


Colossal amounts of development

Central Leeds development

An absolutely huge £1 billion of investment flooding into Central Leeds, is bound to wash that flow of cash over every sector of the local economy and cause further development and generate buzz. 657 applications with an 87% success rate translates to 571-572 projects approved for development.
Source: PlanningPipe

Whats Driving this constant and steady market?


One word: Demographics.
This is the key to understanding the secret sauce behind the stability of the Central Leeds market.
its clear to see there there is a large contingent of the population that is both young (~26% for 20-24 + ~10% for 15-19) and politically left leaning.
Though this may be speculative and stereotypical in nature, a young – left wing demographic typically translates to being students staying within rented accommodation.
But you wouldn’t need a graph to tell you that, Central Leeds is famous for having the University of Leeds, the Leeds general infirmary, Leeds Beckett University and more.
Students and young professionals are drawn to Central Leeds in pursuit of higher education and better employment opportunities.

Invest your money in Leeds, steady growth is assured.

We Have a track record of achieving target or above target prices for our rental properties.
We also offer the smoothest experience when it comes to sales.
Starting from as little as 10% + VAT for fully managed rentals or 0.75% for the sales process.
We charge NO EXTRA FEES.
Our prices are unbeatable and our service is without parallel.
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